Operational Excellence Diagnostics
OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE DIAGNOSTICS. As a side effect of growth, or just a consequence of doing business, all companies must keep an eye on operational efficiency. Ideally, this is a built-in, ongoing process monitored with clear KPIs to spot when costs or operating capital start to grow faster than planned.
But even companies with efficient financial steering and follow-up in place benefit greatly from taking a closer look at operational efficiency in and cross functions, from time to time. A good way to do this is to piggyback on other change projects or investment activities which in most cases are initiated to fix broken processes or get rid of bottle necks. As process and cost mapping always are part of change projects, adding a wider OPEX diagnostics to the scope comes at limited effort.
Operational Excellence projects can be sensitive and stir up feelings as they by nature identify functions, roles and managers where things can be done more efficient and at lower cost. Bringing in a third party without skin in the game to identify efficiency potential is often a good way to do reduce the risk of unnecessary internal finger pointing.
BEA ADVISORS offers Operational Excellence Diagnostics as a standalone service or as an add-on to other change projects. The latter alternative is a smaller effort as knowledge of the client company’s situation and challenges to large extent already has been mapped as part of the change project. We also offer implementation support for the identified improvement areas – after all, doing the diagnostics is meaningless if the findings are not acted upon.